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Biography of Deyemi Okanlawon

Deyemi Okanlawon is a Model, Brand Influencer and a Nigerian film, television, theatre and voice actor. He was born on April 19, 1979 in Lagos, the…

Biography of Oluwaseyi Mercy Omisakin

Born on (date of birth), Oluwaseyi Mercy Omisakin is a Medical Doctor, Digital Content Creator, SOcial Vhange Advocate and Podcaster She is the host …

Annie’s Chatroom to Host Sierra Leone Women Summit

Annie's Chatroom, a social initiative led by Annie is set to host the 2025 edition of the Sierra Leone Women Summit The event which is scheduled …

Biography of Damilola Adegbite

Born on May 18th, 1985, Damilola Adegbite is an actress, fashion and fitness enthusiast and author.   Damilola Adegbite attended the Queens College, …

Biography of Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks

Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks who is popularly known as Folagbade Banks, is a content producer, brand influencer and skit maker. Mama Deola is a P…

Biography of Mide Funmi Martins

Mide Funmi Martins is a Yoruba Nigerian actress. Mide Funmi Martins is the daughter of late popular Yoruba actress Funmi Martins, who passed away in …

Biography of Frank Edoho

Frank Edoho, the host of popular Nigerian TV show, Who wants to be a Millionaire (WWBM) is a TV host, Filmmaker, cinematographer, photographer and …
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