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List of Institutions Whose Admission List is Out For 2025/2026

This is to inform all students seeking admission into tertiary institutions that most of the Schools have all begin their admission process. The admi…

A Brief History of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko (AAUA)

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, which is popularly known as AAUA is a state owned university.    Here is the quick and complete history  o…

How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP 2025

This article is a complete step by step instructions on how Students can login to Jamb Caps and check their admission status on the Jamb's admiss…

Family Plays a Huge Role in Language Appreciation - Olagunju Modupe

Olagunju Modupe believes that our Local language generally brings about cultural identity. As Founder of Yoruba Learning Initiative, Asalewa, the fu…

Top 10 Covenant University Alumni Blazing the Trail in the Entertainment Industry

Covenant University was founded in 2002 as a Christian University; it offers courses cutting across science and technology, arts, management and Soci…

How to Buy WAEC Result Checker pin online in Nigeria 2025

In the course of this article, we will be providing an overview of what the WAEC result checker PIN is, explain the benefits of buying it online, out…

5 Problems with Online Learning Systems in Nigeria

After ten months, the students  of University of Ibadan are finally resuming for the 2019/2020 session, renamed 2020/2021 session. The months of wait…

Top 10 Unibadan Graduates Hitting Waves in the Entertainment Industry

It would not come as a surprise that there are lots of celebrities in the Entertainment Industry who graduated from the prestigious University of I…

Top 10 Uniben Graduates Making Great Moves in the Entertainment Industry

The Nigerian Entertainment industry, known as Nollywood is largely recognized globally and is ranked as the second largest film producer in the world…
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