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Biography of Deyemi Okanlawon

Deyemi Okanlawon is a Model, Brand Influencer and a Nigerian film, television, theatre and voice actor. He was born on April 19, 1979 in Lagos, the…

Biography of John Ikponwosa Ighodaro (Johnny Drille)

John Ikponwosa Ighodaro, commonly called Johnny Drille is a talented Nigerian Music artiste, Music producer and Writer. Johnny Drille was born on the…

Biography of Habeeb Okikiola (Portable Zazuu)

Pop singer Habeeb Okikiola portable | Image credit: IG @portablebaeby This article focuses on Habeeb Okikiola' real name, age, wealth, Fame, occu…

Biography of Abimbola Idowu Thomas

Popularly known as Bimbo Thomas, Abimbola Idowu Thomas is a Yoruba multi-talented Nollywood actress, filmmaker and entrepreneur, and brand influencer…

Biography of Sola Sobowale

Born on the 26th of December, 1965, Sola Sobowale, popularly known as Toyin Tomato is a greatly talented Nigerian film actress, screenwriter, directo…

Biography of Olubankole Wellington (Banky W)

Born in New York, United States on 27 March 1981, Olubankole Wellington, who  is popularly known by his musical stage name - Banky W and credited…

History Of Ondo-Ekimogun and Her Cultural Heritage

Ariel View Ondo City | Image Credit: Getty images This is the complete history of Ondo Kingdom and their rich cultural heritage. This article traces …

Biography of Kehinde Bankole

Kehinde Bankole is a talented Nollywood actress from the Yoruba extraction of Nigeria. Born as a twin child on the 27th of March 1985, she is a Niger…

Creativity is Expression to me - Timi Agbaje

In this interview with Timi Agbaje,  premium content developer, compere, Youtuber and Lawyer,  he discusses his creative side and leads us through…
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