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Biography of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar - Waziri Of Adamawa

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the PDP Presidential candidate in the 2023 general Election in Nigeria. In this article, you will learn about his real name an…

Biography of Actor Williams Uchemba

Actor Williams Uchemba was born into the family of Uchemba on October 22nd (Year of birth). He was born into a family of five with three siblings, …

Biography of Enorense Victor (Kiruku)

Born on the 17th of December, 2014, Enorense Victor is a fast rising and young Nollywood actor, brand influencer and online child comedian who is…

Biography of Francis Ogbonnaya Erishi Nwifuru

Francis Ogbonna Erishi Nwifuru who was born on the 25th of February 1975, is a Nigerian politician, lawyer, entrepreneur and administrator who is t…

Biography of Okafor Sunday Chikwado

Okafor Sunday Chikwado, who is also known as Asia big name was born in the year 1983 in Enugu, Eastern part of Nigeria. He was born into the family …

Biography of Jacinta Lotachukwu Ugwu (Lota Chukwu)

Jacinta Lotachukwu Ugwu, commonly called Lota Chukwu by many persons especially her fans, is a  talented Nigerian actress. Born on 29th November 1989…

Biography of Bisola Aiyeola

Born of Nigerian and British citizenship, Bisola Aiyeola is a multi talented, popular Nigerian actress and music star. She was born on 21st January 1…
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