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Biography of Femi Adebayo

Born on 31st December, Femi Adebayo Femi Adebayo is Femi Femi Adebayonis happily married to his heartthrob  Movies by Femi Adebayo Femi Adebayo has …

Biography of Bukola Ikuomola Oghenerukevwe

Bukola Ikuomola Oghenerukevwe (AKA Nurse In Progress) is a Writer, Producer Model and as well, a talented and professional Actor. She is a native of …

Biography of Sola Sobowale

Born on the 26th of December, 1965, Sola Sobowale, popularly known as Toyin Tomato is a greatly talented Nigerian film actress, screenwriter, directo…

Biography of Motunrayo Oyedele (Motun Global)

Born on February 17th, 1997, Motunrayo Oyedele is the Founder of Eduminds Africa, a Nonprofit organisation that is focused on (focus). Popularly know…

Biography of Meg Otanwa

Born February 14th, Meg Otanwa is a Nigerian actress and former banker who was until the start of her acting career worked at the African Development…

Biography of Deyemi Okanlawon

Deyemi Okanlawon is a Model, Brand Influencer and a Nigerian film, television, theatre and voice actor. He was born on April 19, 1979 in Lagos, the…

Biography of Dr. Niyi Borire

Niyi Borire is an award-winning neurologist, neuroscience researcher, lecturer, speaker and change agent. His research has won many awards including …
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