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Biography of Jessica Ukamaka Ekwebalam

Jessica Ukamaka Ekwebalam is a fast rising Fashion entrepreneur, Content Creator and Influencer. She is the founder and a chief Executive Officer (CE…

Biography of John Ikponwosa Ighodaro (Johnny Drille)

John Ikponwosa Ighodaro, commonly called Johnny Drille is a talented Nigerian Music artiste, Music producer and Writer. Johnny Drille was born on the…

Biography of Habeeb Okikiola (Portable Zazuu)

Pop singer Habeeb Okikiola portable | Image credit: IG @portablebaeby This article focuses on Habeeb Okikiola' real name, age, wealth, Fame, occu…

Biography of Oluwaseyi Mercy Omisakin

Born on (date of birth), Oluwaseyi Mercy Omisakin is a Medical Doctor, Digital Content Creator, SOcial Vhange Advocate and Podcaster She is the host…

Biography of Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak , the United Kingdom Prime Minister , who is also the first Asian leader the UK has ever had and is also one of the youngest. He is a  B…

Biography of Donald John Trump

Donald John Trump, born June 14, 1946 is the 45th President of the United States of America between 2017 to 2021. This biography reveals his age, net…

Biography of Tope Awotona

Tope Awotona is a Nigerian Billionaire and founder of Calendly. organizes the world of commerce and scheduling. And that mission has made him very ri…
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