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Biography of Iyabo Ojo

Ogungro Alice Iyabode Olori is a beautiful, talented 45years old Nigerian actress and movie producer. Born on the 21st of December 1977. She was born…

Biography of Julieth Ibekwe Adaugo

Adaugo Julieth Ibekwe, popularly known as Julie Ibekwe, is an expert social media manager, content creator and influencer. Also known as the Queen of…

Biography of Kate Henshaw Nuttal

Kate Henshaw Nuttal is  Kate Henshaw Read: Biography of Nkechi Blessing Kate Movies by Kate Henshaw Nuttal As a professional actor, Kate Henshaw …

Biography of Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed

Born on Yusuf Datti is the running mate of the Labour Party Presidential candidate- Peter Obi. When is his full name and age? His full name is Yusuf …

Biography of Oluwatimilehin Akinbile - Rae Timzy (Omo Akinbile)

Oluwatimilehin Akinbile, who is popularly known as Rae Timzy or Omo Akinbile, is a Medical Student and Digital Content Creator popularly known for hi…

Biography of Abimbola Idowu Thomas

Popularly known as Bimbo Thomas, Abimbola Idowu Thomas is a Yoruba multi-talented Nollywood actress, filmmaker and entrepreneur, and brand influencer…

Biography of Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James)

Born in Lagos on the 4th of June, 1957, Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde popularly known as Pa James is a veteran Yoruba comic actor and film producer. Pa J…
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