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How to Apply For INEC Ad-hoc Staff For 2027 Elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has rolled out modalities for the recruitment of Electoral Ad-hoc Staffs for the 2023 general ele…

Prospa Helps Nigerian Brands to Own Corporate Bank Accounts

Prospa is a Fintech app that makes it easy for businesses (both small and big) to create bank accounts from home for free. It is a current account fo…

Biography of Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is an influential Politicians in this 21st Century, whose record is second to none in Nigeria. Aside his Political arena, he is al…

How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP 2025

This article is a complete step by step instructions on how Students can login to Jamb Caps and check their admission status on the Jamb's admiss…

Biography of Kehinde Bankole

Kehinde Bankole is a talented Nollywood actress from the Yoruba extraction of Nigeria. Born as a twin child on the 27th of March 1985, she is a Niger…

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Skin Care Products

As the name suggests, Skin care simply means the care of the skin. You can simply take care of your skin with any kind of skin products that comes …

Family Plays a Huge Role in Language Appreciation - Olagunju Modupe

Olagunju Modupe believes that our Local language generally brings about cultural identity. As Founder of Yoruba Learning Initiative, Asalewa, the fu…
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