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Biography of Mide Funmi Martins

Mide Funmi Martins is a Yoruba Nigerian actress. Mide Funmi Martins is the daughter of late popular Yoruba actress Funmi Martins, who passed away in …

Biography of Frank Edoho

Frank Edoho, the host of popular Nigerian TV show, Who wants to be a Millionaire (WWBM) is a TV host, Filmmaker, cinematographer, photographer and …

Biography of Senator Robert Ajayi Boroffice

Born on April 23rd 1949, Professor Robert Ajayi Boroffice is a Nigerian Politician and Senator representing Ondo North Senatorial District. He was bo…

Creativity is Expression to me - Timi Agbaje

In this interview with Timi Agbaje,  premium content developer, compere, Youtuber and Lawyer,  he discusses his creative side and leads us through…

Biography of Olori Ashley Afolashade

Olori Ashley Afolasade Adeleye-Ogunwusi Ojaja II Yeye Omi Oodua (AAT. BSc. MSc. ACCA) is the  She is also the founder of the Ashley Adegoke Foundatio…

Biography of Mildred Okwo

The famous Mildred Okwo is a Nigerian actress, film director and producer. She was born on the 29th of April, 1966. She was born with a birth mark …

Biography of Ruth Kadiri

Ruth Kadiri was born on 24 March, 1988 in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. She was first child of two children, born to Mr and Mrs. Desmond Kadiri. Gr…
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