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Biography of Phoebe Odekina Esohe Ejura (JustKingPhoebe)

Phoebe Odekina Esohe Ejura, popularly known as JustKingPhoebe Phoebe Odekina is Phoebe Odekina (JustKingPhoebe) is active on social media. You can co…

Biography of Oluwatobiloba Ayomide Amusan (OON)

Born on 23rd April, 1997, Oluwatobiloba Ayomide Amusan (OON) is a Nigerian track and field athlete who specialises in the 100 metres hurdles and also…

Biography of Michael Sanni Amanesi (MCLively)

Michael Sanni Amanesi, better known by his stage name Mc Lively, was born in Ondo State on August 14, 1992, into a family of seven that included his …

Biography of Eucharia Anuobi

Eucharia Anuobi is a beautiful and talented Nigerian based actress who was born and grew up in Owerri, Imo State. She was born into the family of Mr …

Biography of Chief Olu Jacobs

Born in 1942, Veteran actor Chief Olu Jacobs was happily married to his heartthrob  Movies by Chief Olu Jacobs Chief Aliu Jacobs featured in the foll…

Biography of Omotola Jolade Ekeinde

Born on 7th February, Dr. Omotola Jolaade Ekeinde (MFR) is a Nigerian actress, singer and influencer. She is the founder of Teffest, Oyep. She is als…

Biography of Daniel Regha

Daniel Regha is a Twitter (now X) influencer,
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