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The History of Godfatherism in Nigerian Politics

Godfatherism is best described as a form of political corruption in which an influential individual handpicks another, often less influential candi…

The History of Bower’s Tower, Ibadan

ÌBÀDÀN LO MÒ, OÓ MO LÁYÍPO Bower's Tower is located in one of the oldest areas of Ibadan, Oyo State. It was unveiled on December 15, 1936, design…

5 Facts You Need to know about Body Physiotheraphy in Nigeria

Physical Therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is a field in the medical profession which involves the maintenance and restoration of health thr…

I Wrote my Entry 5 days to the Deadline - Lois Nguveren Ugbu

Lois Nguveren Ugbu won the Prose category in 2022's edition of the New Man Gospel Writing Contest hosted by The New Man Movement . In this exclus…

I have not given myself up to a lot of Influences - Daniel Oni

NNI: Can we meet you? Guest: I am Daniel Oni, a photographer and music artiste. I'm a graduate of English Language and a native of Ekiti Stat…

Biography of Dr. Olajide Abdulazeez Adediran (Jandor)

Olajide Abdulazeez Adediran, who is popularly known as Jandor.  Jandor, a PDP governorship Aspirant in Lagos State is a renowned Nigerian politician,…

Numerous NGOs Exist Due to Government's Laxity - Bolu Okunlola

NNI: Can we meet you? Guest: I am Okunlola Boluwatife, a graduate of Law from Obafemi Awolowo University. I am passionate about social …
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