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Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu; Biography and Political Ideology

This is a complete biography of the Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinub - Nigeria's President. In this article, you will find his real name, age, net worth…

Biography of Nosa Omoregie

According to an earlier published biohraphy on the New Man Movement's website , Nosakhare Omoregie Shedrack commonly called Nosa by many, is a Ni…

Lesotho - History, Culture, Civil wars, Ethnic groups, Independence, and Political Configuration

This article is a complete insight to Lesotho Country; background, origin, historical and Political configuration with cultural histories. This is a …

Fiction: Lovers of the People by Olabode Oladapo Samuel

Like a cruising car showing off its efficacy to the passers-by, they waddled and chatted down the street. Things were really changing here. Hopes w…


The idea of “One Nigeria” is one multifarious, notorious as well as controversial issue, even up to the international scene. In 2005, the United Stat…

Biography of Okafor Sunday Chikwado

Okafor Sunday Chikwado, who is also known as Asia big name was born in the year 1983 in Enugu, Eastern part of Nigeria. He was born into the family …
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