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Biography of Genoveva Umeh

Genoveva Kenechukwu Umeh is a fast rising Nollywood Actress, producer, lawyer and model. Genoveva Umeh rose to fame after her outstanding performan…

Biography of Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori (KieKie)

Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori, popularly known as Kiekie was born in the city of Ibadan on 20th June, 1990. She is a Nigerian talented TV personality, brand i…

Full List of Towns and Villages in Ekiti State

Established in 19, Ekiti state is a fast growing part of Nigeria. Of many notable things in the land, it is unique for its towns and villages which a…

HealthWise: How Can Africa Completely Win the War Against Malaria?

Maleria is an illness that is caused by  plasmodium parasites. People get affected with maleria if they have been  bitten by an infected female anoph…

How Exercising Can Lengthen Your Lifespan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas bibendum nibh arcu, vitae tincidunt odio egestas ac. Quisque eget tincidunt neque. …

Biography of Modolapo Osifuwa

Born in 1993, Omodolapo Osifuwa is a fast rising Nollywood Actress, comedian and model with an exceptional talent fused with her accent. She is popul…

Biography of Dr. Mrs Ibukun Awosika

Ibukunoluwa Abiodun Awosika is a businesswoman, author, and motivational speaker from Nigeria. Her parents were Mr. Abdulmashood Adekola and Mrs. H…
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