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Biography of Retiola Babafemi Stephen (Femi Babs)

Femi Babs (Retiola Babafemi Stephen) is a Nigerian writer, speaker, MC, Movie producer, actor, comedian and purpose driven content creator. He hails …

Biography of Oluwatoyin Albert (Tomama)

Born on the 26th of December, Oluwatoyin Albert who is popularly known by fans as Datwarrigirl or Tomama is a Nigerian actress, dancer, On Air Person…

Biography of Femi Adebayo

Born on 31st December, Femi Adebayo Femi Adebayo is Femi Femi Adebayonis happily married to his heartthrob  Movies by Femi Adebayo Femi Adebayo has …

Biography of Tolulope Olayiwola (MC Remote)

Tolulope Olayiwola, who is popularly known by his stage name and pseudonym, MC Remote, hails from Ibadan, Oyo state of Nigeria. He is professional…

Biography of Lateef Adedimeji

Born on 1st February, 1986, Adetola Abdullateef Adedimeji is a Nigerian actor and filmmaker. He gained popularity with his first major role in Yewand…

Biography of Osas Ighodaro

Born October 26, Osas Ighodaro is a popular Nigerian actress, host, producer and humanitarian. She is the founder of the Joyful Joy Foundation, an NG…

Biography of Kunle Afolayan

Kunle Afolayan, a Nigerian actor, producer, and director, was born on September 30, 1975. In Ebute Metta, Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria, he was born in…
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