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Biography of Hank Anuku

Hank Anuku is an Igbo man from Ịka, present day Delta State. Born in Ibadan Oyo State on 27th August 1960. He attended Loyola College, Ibadan after w…

Biography of Mildred Okwo

The famous Mildred Okwo is a Nigerian actress, film director and producer. She was born on the 29th of April, 1966. She was born with a birth mark …

Biography of Olusola Ebiseni

Born on 1st October, Olusola Ebiseni is a He is currently a Governorship Aspirant in the Ondo State Gubernatorial Elections Read: Biography of Alhaji…

National Youth Service Corps

5 Reasons Why you might miss 2023 NYSC Batch Posting This is an important notification for prospective Corp members (PCMs) as to the possible re…

National Youth Service Corps

NYSC UPDATE FOR BATCH 🅰️ 2023*   *IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL PCMS‼️* As the NYSC 2023 Batch 🅰️ Stream 2 mobilization and registration is f…

Biography of Bolaji Amusan (Mr Latin)

Bolaji Amusan, who is popularly known as Mr Latin, is a veteran Nollywood Yoruba movie actor, director and producer. Bolaji Amusan is active on socia…

Biography of Stella Damasus

Born on 24th April 1978, Stella Damasus is a Nigerian-born entertainer based in the United States of America. She is most notable for her work as an …
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