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Biography of Richard Mofe Damijo (RMD)

Richard Eyimofe Evans Damijo, popularly known as RMD, is a Nigerian actor, writer, producer, lawyer and former journalist. He was born on 6th July, 1…

Biography of Okafor Sunday Chikwado

Okafor Sunday Chikwado, who is also known as Asia big name was born in the year 1983 in Enugu, Eastern part of Nigeria. He was born into the family …

Biography of Adebayo Salami (Oga Bello)

Chief Adebayo Salami, popularly known as Oga Bello is a multi-talented lead role Nigerian Actor, producer and movie director. The actor was born on t…

Biography of Theresa Edem Isemin

Theresa Edem Isemin was born on January 6th, 1986 into a family of Ibibio tribe in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. She is an actress, voice-over artis…

Biography of Patience Ozokwor

Mama G as she's fondly called by her fans and well wishers is a 63years old Nigerian actress, fashionista and singer. She's a Nigerian from t…

Biography of Ella Jonas Farlinger

Ella Jonas Farlinger is a popular celebrity Canadian actor who was born to Leonard Farlinger, a Canadian film director and producer, and Jennifer J…

Biography of Oba Solomoni Worldwide

Born on 5th May, Oba Solomon Agboye is a content creator and social media personality who leads the Oba Solomoni Worldwide brand and as well, is the …
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