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Biography of Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha

Born on March 12, 1980, Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha is a Nigerian actress, Movie Director, mentor, public speaker, and Film Producer. Chioma Chukwuka, a …

Biography of Hauwa Lawal

Hauwa Lawal is a Nigerian content creator, writer, brand and social media influencer who is popularly known for her witty and relatable storytelling …

Biography of Chiwetalu Agu

Born on (date of birth), Chiwetalu Agu is a Nigerian Nollywood actor, and influencer who has evolved Movies by Chiwetalu Agu   Chiwetalu Agu has feat…

Full List of AMVCA 2022 Award Winners

The grand finale of AMVCA 2022 (Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards) eighth edition which was held at the Eko Hotels, Victoria Island, Lagos has ende…

Biography of Bisola Aiyeola

Born of Nigerian and British citizenship, Bisola Aiyeola is a multi talented, popular Nigerian actress and music star. She was born on 21st January 1…

The Future of Artificial Humans and Robots in Sports

Are robots really better than humans in sports? Robot technology is evolving at breakneck speed. Pepper (the name of a robot) of SoftBa…

Opinion: The Child Who Did Not Cry

It was the day of my birth. I watched them silently as they hit me with great force. They slapped me on my chin, back and buttocks one after the …
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