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Biography of Brain Jotter

Brain Jotter is a popular Nigerian comedian  Brain Jotter Brain Jotter is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles o…

The Concept of Digital Begging in Nigeria

Digital begging, which is sometimes referred to as online panhandling, is a fast rising trend where individuals seek financial assistance or support …

Biography of Eric Gugua

Eric Gugua is a Blockchain expert and consultant, a digital creator, filmmaker, and I also happen to create content when I'm bored - so I guess I…

Biography of Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola (Cute Abiola)

Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola, who is popularly known as Cute Abiola, is a Nigerian comedian, actor, YouTuber and Internet influencer. Biography…

Biography of Omotola Jolade Ekeinde

Born on 7th February, Dr. Omotola Jolaade Ekeinde (MFR) is a Nigerian actress, singer and influencer. She is the founder of Teffest, Oyep. She is als…

Should You Use Your name as a Business Name?

As a Debut article in this Column, I will be sharing five reasons why you should use your name to represent your business and five others why you s…

HealthWise: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vaccines

Vaccines are substances,when injected into the body, help fight the body against diseases and infections.  There are different vaccines for differe…
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