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Should You Use Your name as a Business Name?

As a Debut article in this Column, I will be sharing five reasons why you should use your name to represent your business and five others why you s…

HealthWise: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vaccines

Vaccines are substances,when injected into the body, help fight the body against diseases and infections.  There are different vaccines for differe…

Rape: Of the Victim and the Accused

Rape victims and survivors suffer great trauma what with all the commotion raised by internet users who took to various social media platforms to p…

Biography of Prince Gabriel Okocha

Prince Gabriel Okocha is a Nigerian Problogger, Founder, Trispark Academy and Trispark Digital Technologies. He is a gospel preacher and digital mark…

Top 10 Covenant University Alumni Blazing the Trail in the Entertainment Industry

Covenant University was founded in 2002 as a Christian University; it offers courses cutting across science and technology, arts, management and Soci…

Bill Gates was Insane to Sacrifice Schooling for his Dreams - Kingsley Ndimele

NNI: Can you tell us about you? Guest : Kingsley Ndimele is a young Nigerian. I hail from Abia State, though born and bred in the ancient city…

Biography of Dr Stephen Akintayo

Dr Stephen Akolade Akintayo (born in Maiduguri, Borno State on 28 January 1986) is a Nigerian author, serial entrepreneur, Investment Coach, Proper…
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