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Biography of Actor Williams Uchemba

Actor Williams Uchemba was born into the family of Uchemba on October 22nd (Year of birth). He was born into a family of five with three siblings, …

Biography of Engineer Seyi Makinde

Born on December 24, Engineer Seyi Makinde is the executive governor of Oyo State, Nigeria Engineer Seyi Makinde is active on social media. You can c…

Biography of Ayra Starr

Oyinkansola Sarah Aderibigbe, who is popularly and professionally known as Ayra Starr was born on the 14th of June 2002. She is a Nigerian singer and…

Biography of Randy Peterz Akah

Randy Peterz Akah

Biography of Muyiwa Ademola

Born on 26th January 1971, Olumuyiwa Ademola is a  talented Nollywood star. Commonly known as Authentic, MA or Muyiwa Ademola, he was born into the…

Biography of Greene Apaokagi Maryam (Taaooma)

Greene Apaokagi MaryamAbisola, who is popularly known as Taaooma, is an actor, comedian, influencer, and entrepreneur Taooma is active on social medi…

Biography of Peter Mbah

Peter Mbah is Peter Ndubuisi Mbah @PNMbah Official Twitter Account of His Excellency, Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah. Governor, Enugu State #TomorrowlsHer…
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