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How to Calculate the Age Limit for NYSC Mobilisation in 2024

One of the most important factors that determines someone's eligibility to take part in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program is age. T…

Biography of Barr. Myson Adeyemi Nejo

Barr. Myson Adeyemi Nejo is a He is a Givernorship Aspirant in the 2024 Ondo Gubernatorial Elextions Barr. Myson Adeyemi Nejo is active on social med…

5 Recommended Foods that Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

It is said that what we consume has a very great  impact on our health. Most people consume whatever they see, not even considering the nutritional …

Exclusive: Meet all Past Winners of BbNaija

This article contains full list of all the seven past winners of Big Brother Titans reality TV show; it also has names, photos, videos and biography …

Biography of Professor Wole Soyinka

Born on the Books by Professor Oluwole SOyinka Professor

Full List of Tertiary Institutions in Ondo State

Ondo State is a South Western State in Nigeria Universities 1. Federal University of Technology, Akure 2. Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko 3…

A Brief History of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko (AAUA)

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, which is popularly known as AAUA is a state owned university.    Here is the quick and complete history  o…
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