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A Brief History of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko (AAUA)

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, which is popularly known as AAUA is a state owned university.    Here is the quick and complete history  o…

Biography of Mark Angel

Mark Angel is a Nigerian comedian, YouTuber, Content Creator and Influencer Mark Angel is

Everything You Need to Know About NYSC (2023) From Mobilisation to Passing Out

*🔝1️⃣0️⃣ THINGS GRADUATES MUST KNOW BEFORE NYSC NEXT BATCH* Have you ever wonder how it will be like to know how the future will look like. Many of …

How to Print Your NYSC Call Up Letter in 2023

The Call up Letter for Prospective Corp members is a document that shows that you were mobilized for the NYSC programme and duly deployed to a state …

Biography of Dr Tiwatope Jemima Savage (Tiwa Savage)

Popularly known as Tiwa Savage, Dr Tiwatope Jemima Savage was born on (date and year of birth). Today, she is widely known as the Queen of Afrobeats.…

How to Build Social Currency

There is local currency, there is foreign currency. There is another currency which is as important as both but people don't really take serious,…

World Famous Successful People and Stories of their Reading Habits

In this article today,.  1. Warren Buffet Warren Buffett is known for his voracious reading habits. He spends a significant amount of his day reading…
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