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How 9jaFinds is Bridging the Social Gap by Connecting People

The world is a small place and the little things we do really count. This is one of many reasons why 9jaFinds, the Ultimate Online Hub For Nigerians …

Biography of Nosa Omoregie

According to an earlier published biohraphy on the New Man Movement's website , Nosakhare Omoregie Shedrack commonly called Nosa by many, is a Ni…

Fiction: Lovers of the People by Olabode Oladapo Samuel

Like a cruising car showing off its efficacy to the passers-by, they waddled and chatted down the street. Things were really changing here. Hopes w…

5 Problems with Online Learning Systems in Nigeria

After ten months, the students  of University of Ibadan are finally resuming for the 2019/2020 session, renamed 2020/2021 session. The months of wait…

Biography of Genoveva Umeh

Genoveva Kenechukwu Umeh is a fast rising Nollywood Actress, producer, lawyer and model. Genoveva Umeh rose to fame after her outstanding performan…

HealthWise: How Can Africa Completely Win the War Against Malaria?

Maleria is an illness that is caused by  plasmodium parasites. People get affected with maleria if they have been  bitten by an infected female anoph…

How Exercising Can Lengthen Your Lifespan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas bibendum nibh arcu, vitae tincidunt odio egestas ac. Quisque eget tincidunt neque. …
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