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Biography of Oladipupo Tunde (Tunde Eko)

Oladipupo Tunde, popularly known as Tunde Eko, is a master storyteller, and it shows in the way he delivers comic and relatable content Also known fo…

Biography of DJ Cuppy

Born on 11th November, 1992 Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola who is popularly known as DJ Cuppy is a Nigerian Disc     i DJ Cuppy is a musician and entrepre…

Biography of Peter Okoye

Peter Okoye     Read: Biography of Engineer Oluseyi Makinde Peter Okoye is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles…

Biography of Jim Iyke

Jim Iyke is a popular Nollywood actor and also a business man. He was born on the 25th of September 1976. He was born into the family of Mr and Mrs O…

Biography of Purple Speedy

Born on 10th December, Purple Speedy is a dancer, brand influencer and competent creator Purple Speedy is active on social media. You can connect wit…

Biography of Hon. Favour Tomomewo

Favour Tomomewo is a Health Consultant, Parliamentarian and Legislator. She is a Nigerian politician at the State Houses of Assembly level. Favour To…

Top 10 Unibadan Graduates Hitting Waves in the Entertainment Industry

It would not come as a surprise that there are lots of celebrities in the Entertainment Industry who graduated from the prestigious University of I…
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