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United States of America (USA)

Biggest Public Health Issues In America

This article talks about top 10 biggest Public Health Issues in America and The United Kingdom Talking about the Public Health Issues/challenges In t…

Biography of Donald John Trump

Donald John Trump, born June 14, 1946 is the 45th President of the United States of America between 2017 to 2021. This biography reveals his age, net…

Defend Nigeria’s Democracy — APC Begs Joe Biden

Mr Oyakhilome Bello, APC U.S.A National Youth Leader, has called on the American President, Joe Biden, to defend Nigeria’s democracy from those calli…

Texas Republicans push legislation to create 'Border Protection Unit,' increase criminal penalties

Republican lawmakers in Texas are pushing legislation that would make it a state felony to cross the border from Mexico illegally and establish a sta…

Biden vows to ban assault weapon 'come hell or high water'

Biden made the comments during n House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference.  President Biden said this in a speech on Wednesday, that he's going …

Trump roasted on Twitter after saying Charlie Crist did a ‘good job’ governing Florida in dig at DeSantis

Critics say Trump campaign staffers 'should be fired' for video praising Crist.  Former President Donald Trump has faced ridicule on Twitter …

NYC bike path attacker to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on death penalty

NYC bike path attacker is now to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on his death penalty Prosecutors called Sayfullo Sa…

Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because 'it will open Pandora's box', Kat Cammack says

House GOP, Dems voted unanimously on a bill to declassify intelligence on COVID origins. After the House and Senate passed a bill requiring the Biden…

80-year old Biden seeking second term

President Jeo Biden | Image credit: Whitehouse, WDC As election moves closer for Americans to decide who become their next President, there are specu…

Who do Republican women support in the 2024 GOP presidential nomination race

Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are so far the only two declared Republican candidates for president.  The race for the 2024 Republican presidential nom…
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