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United Kingdom

Biography of Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak , the United Kingdom Prime Minister , who is also the first Asian leader the UK has ever had and is also one of the youngest. He is a  B…

Biography of King Charles III

King Charles III full name is Charles Phillip Arthur Geroge. king Charles was born on 14th November, 1948 ; in Buckingham Palace during the reign o…

Global Warming and the Danger to the Planet

Global warming and the impact on planet Across the world, global warming has become the trending topic people engage in most times. Due to the nature…

Full List Of Past British Monarchs Before King Charles III

This article is a complete list of names and biographies of all Past Monarchs of the United Kingdom (UK), before King Charles III Here are the names …

Insurance: Why Life Insurance will put a smile on your face; insurance policy and importance of insurance

One of the best ways to save is to invest and " Insurance " has been proven to be one of the bests that guarantees a genuine reward for you…

Mixed Economy System Around the World

What is Mixed Economy|How does it works in the Economy of the World| find all these and more below. Since the beginning of Trading and Investment pol…
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