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Onions: Health Benefits and Nutritions

Is eating raw Onion good|What are the benefits of Onions|What is the healthiest Onion to eat|Which is better Onion or Garlic All these questions are …

The Unique History of Lesotho

This article is a complete insight to Lesotho Country; background, origin, historical and Political configuration with cultural histories. Lesotho is…

Biography of Muhammad Ali Pate

Meet Muhammad Ali Pate, he is the current Minister of Health in Nigeria. Ali Pate took over from former health Minister -  Dr. Osagie Ehanire . Many …

History of Nigeria; Independence and Facts

This article is the complete history of Nigeria. It centres on the Country's biography, pre-colonialism, colonialism, independence, republic, eth…

We May Be Pushed To Invade Niger — US Tells Coup plotters

The United States of America has warned the Niger junta that America may be pushed to be involved militarily if the country’s military rulers do not …

Nigerian Government Bans Binance Nigeria Limited

The Federal government of Nigeria has placed a ban on Binance Nigeria crypto Site, tagging the company as an illegal entity. This was made available …

Blood Circle - Components, Types and Importance to the Body System

What is Blood?  Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that circulates through the circulatory system of humans and many other animals. It is composed o…

New Man Movement Announce Winners of Gospel Writing Contest

Organizers of the yearly New Man Gospel Writing Contest have officially announced the winners of the 2023 edition of the Gospel contest. Photo: Presi…

four basic ways Muslims must celebrate eid-ul-fitri 2023 | Eid-al-fitri

Eid-al-fitri marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan fasting, and here are four [4] ways Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. 1. Perform Eid prayers : A…

these are the basic importance of Eid in Islam | Eid-ul-Fitr

Eid-ul-Fitr marks the end of the Holy month of Ramadan fasting; and here are major reasons why Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid-al-Fitri is important to Islam.  Ei…
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