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Queen Elizabeth II

Biography of King Charles III

King Charles III full name is Charles Phillip Arthur Geroge. king Charles was born on 14th November, 1948 ; in Buckingham Palace during the reign o…

History of Nigeria; Independence and Facts

This article is the complete history of Nigeria. It centres on the Country's biography, pre-colonialism, colonialism, independence, republic, eth…

Full List Of Past British Monarchs Before King Charles III

This article is a complete list of names and biographies of all Past Monarchs of the United Kingdom (UK), before King Charles III Here are the names …

The First Coins Featuring King Charles III will be in Circulation from December

The Royal Mint is making 9.6 million copies of the 50p coin, which also pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II. The reverse of the coin is a replica of t…

Factcheck: Mascot Goat- Shenkin For Sacrifice?

The Royal Regiment Mascot The UK Royal Regiment Mascot Factchecked BACKGROUND REPORT : There were news making the rounds yesterday, as regard the Goa…
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