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President Jeo Biden

Defend Nigeria’s Democracy — APC Begs Joe Biden

Mr Oyakhilome Bello, APC U.S.A National Youth Leader, has called on the American President, Joe Biden, to defend Nigeria’s democracy from those calli…

Biden vows to ban assault weapon 'come hell or high water'

Biden made the comments during n House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference.  President Biden said this in a speech on Wednesday, that he's going …

Twitter explodes after former Biden spox praises president for working at 9 am

Jen Psaki touts Biden giving speech at start of workday since he normally 'does nothing' then. Twitter users expressed a combination of shock…

Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because 'it will open Pandora's box', Kat Cammack says

House GOP, Dems voted unanimously on a bill to declassify intelligence on COVID origins. After the House and Senate passed a bill requiring the Biden…

80-year old Biden seeking second term

President Jeo Biden | Image credit: Whitehouse, WDC As election moves closer for Americans to decide who become their next President, there are specu…
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