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Persons with Disabilities

How to Vote as Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria

One of the most important rights of Nigerian citizens is the franchise—the right to vote. Originally under the constitution, citizens who are 18…

How to Search for Jobs as a Person with Disabilities

A job can be a source of great fulfillment in every person’s life, but finding a job is often a problem for many Persons with Disability. There a…

The Paradox of Exclusionary Inclusion for PWDs

As the crusade for better social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities  (PWDs) into the mainstream society continues to gain ground, there’s a need…

The Causes of Disability After Birth in Human Beings

What is disability? According to Wikipedia,"  disability is any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activiti…

The Art of Branding Disability

I still recall with vivid freshness the rather opinionated and combative stance with which I approached debates within the deaf community in those…
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