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The Future of Artificial Humans and Robots in Sports

Are robots really better than humans in sports? Robot technology is evolving at breakneck speed. Pepper (the name of a robot) of SoftBa…

Opinion: The Child Who Did Not Cry

It was the day of my birth. I watched them silently as they hit me with great force. They slapped me on my chin, back and buttocks one after the …

The Indices of Poverty, Consequential Breach of Fundamental Rights in Nigeria - Adeyeye Eyitayo

In my family, if anyone becomes seriously ill, we know that we will lose him because we do not even have enough money for food so we cannot…

Rape: Of the Victim and the Accused

Rape victims and survivors suffer great trauma what with all the commotion raised by internet users who took to various social media platforms to p…

Opinion: Oil- The Niger Delta Tale

It was a cold night. Mama and Papa had returned late from work that day for they had to finish up the leftover works of the previous week. They …

Editorial: Slaying Begins at Home

In our world today, the concept of slay queens means

Coronavirus and the Politics of Life

Since the Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world like a raging storm with over five million confirmed cases worldwide. The disease which star…

Power: Looking Towards Heavens (Solar energy) and Earth (coal &Hydroenergy)

Solar energy, radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar ener…

Crime Meets Criminality: Human Nature or Inhumanity?

Be a good human being, a warm hearted, affectionate person. That is my  fundamental belief- DALAI LAMA Sometimes, I think that humans, are birthed wi…

Being Black, Being African, Being Human: WatchDog Not Watched Dog

When you hear the word 'Africa' what comes to mind? when you hear the word 'Black', what judgment do you give? Truth or Dare? It woul…

Making Black Lives Truly Matter

We are blacks but our skins are not weapons We do not deserve to be killed  And we deserve the freedom of expression.  Our rights should …

The Law of Value - For or Against The Naira?

When you meet some handicapped begging, you would be quick to contain the realities of his physical state and give him whatever your good mind can. …

The Ravaging Torment Called Fear - Aluko Deborah

Why do many die before their death? 'Which kind of cold and sore throat is this one now?' Kingsley grumbles and lands on his mattress. He soo…

Agriculture: Why We Need to Return to Native Methods

As with many other areas of life and even in our individuals personal life, the goal of is always to look for ways that will make our task easier to…

Opinion: Partners for Developmental Revolutions: Youthocracy by Ekpa Stanley Ekpa

Myriads of theorizing upon predictions, Africa is gradually earning a swelling reputation for over romanticizing ideologies than taking bold actions …

So Far So Good - A National Review on Issues Affecting Nigeria

We can decide to make rants,  asking what could be the major problem of Nigeria and w hat our fifty nine years of independence has taught us? The r…
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