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Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

Fuel Scarcity: We Have 2 Billion Litres Available – NNPC

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited says it has two billion litres of Premium Motor Spirit in stock. This is contained in a statement iss…

Nationwide Protest Looming, Threatened By The Yoruba Council Of Youth Over Fuel Prices, Scarcity

Some Nigerian youths under the umbrella of the Yoruba Council of Youths Worldwide (YCYW) has threatened to embark on a nationwide protest over the st…

Just In: Petrol Can't Sell Lower Than N510 - NNPC

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited has revealed that premium motor spirit (petrol) cannot sell lower than N510 per litre as the Presiden…

Crude Oil Thieves After My Life - Mallam Kyari

The Group Managing Director of the NNPC Limited, Mele Kyari has said that as a result of the several ongoing reforms in the oil and gas sector leadin…
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