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Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde

The Gains of Integrity in Nation Building

Mrs. Adebimpe, standing by her Toyota Camry, stares at Tade straight into the eye. 'Are you trying to deny the fact that you cheated me by reduci…

Biography of Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde

Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde is a dynamic corporate professional with a unique blend of legal acumen and digital marketing expertise. With a solid found…

The Concept of Digital Begging in Nigeria

Digital begging, which is sometimes referred to as online panhandling, is a fast rising trend where individuals seek financial assistance or support …

Everything You Should Know about Female Genital Mutilation

My question goes thus; if males are circumcised, then why shouldn’t females be circumcised, after all they propagate gender equality in all sense. Th…

Gender-Based Violence: The Raging Shadow Pandemic

November 25th of every year marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women around the world plus it's 16 days activism…

New Man Movement Shortlists 100+ in 2022 Gospel Writing Contest

Coming few days after the official closure of it's submission portal, the New Man Movement, in a press release on its website has announced the r…

New Man Movement releases final shortlist for 2019 Writing Contest

Having properly selected of 1,012 interesting entries in total, the New Man Writing Movement in a Press Release on the organisation website…

New Man Movement Releases 2018 Gospel Writing Contest Final Shortlist

In an official press release signed by Mr. Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde, the Lead Director of the New Man Movement,, via the organisatioon's website…

New Man Movement Hosts Writing Contest in Honour of Oba Adedokun Abolarin

Organisers of The New Man Writing Contest, reviewed to be the largest, free entry writing contest for students of secondary schools in Nigeria reve…

Ogele Timothy, Nelson Vincent, Others Sworn in as NAOSS Executives

Yesterday, 11th of April, 2017 marked the official swearing in ceremony of new executives of The National Association of Ondo State …

Ogele Timothy, Nelson Vincent, Others emerge Winners in NAOSS Elections

On Sunday, 2nd March, 2017, the National Association of Ondo State Students, (NAOSS) Obafemi Awolowo University chapter led in a new administrati…
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