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Global Warming and the Danger to the Planet

Global warming and the impact on planet Across the world, global warming has become the trending topic people engage in most times. Due to the nature…

Cyber Security; Virus Is an Attack, There is a need to Update Antivirus Software Constantly - Expert

This article talks about Technology, Virus; and how to prevent electronics from Cyber attack. What is Technology: Technology has taken over almost th…

Opinion: How To Know When Children Started Having Sex

This article provides insight to romance among teens and how to know when Children started having Sex. This purpose of this documented opinion a to p…

AAUA Decides: I Intend To Serve AAUA Students In The Best Way Possible - AAUASU Presidential Aspirant, Wolimike

AAUASU Presidential Aspirant - Comr. Micheal Dotun (Wolimike) Unionism is pictured as one of the best Platforms to groom future Political Leaders; es…

Complete Method: How To Be A Fashion Designer

Fashion Design is one of the most lucrative handiworks around the World. With all the works embedded into it, there is growing percentage of more Fas…

Interview: Female Genital Mutilation; All You Need To Know

Types Of FGM What is Female Genital Mutilation Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is to impair, notably by cutting off or otherwise disabling a part in …

Interview: The Untold Story Of How I Ended Up Been R@ped By My Uncle's Friendi

Success is made and not born; across the world, we have been hearing how people of lower class rises to a high level; especially Women who have risen…

Interview: Scienter Liability; Legal Action to an Animal Bite

Dog in action Dogs and other Pet Animals Homes across the world are now found of having various species of Dog; particularly in Nigeria, where the fo…

Interview: Going For A Full Housewife?

To be or marry to a full Housewife is to marry or disallow your wife from engaging in any extra business outside the home. To break it down, it is to…

Mixed Economy System Around the World

What is Mixed Economy|How does it works in the Economy of the World| find all these and more below. Since the beginning of Trading and Investment pol…

My Happiest Day as a DJ was when I got a Deal from DMW - DJ T-Swaggs

1. Can we meet you? Guest: Hello. My name is Temitope Ogundare. A graduate of the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University. I was born into a Chri…
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