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Inflation Rate

Rice To Hit ₦‎50,000 Per Bag As Floods Ravage Farms

Nigerians may have to brace themselves for a surge in the price of a 50kg bag of locally parboiled rice as its price may skyrocket to N50,000 before …

Cooking Gas Price Inflates By 61%

The price of 12.5kg of cooking gas rose by 61% from N6,165 in September 2021 to N9,906 in September 2022. This was disclosed by the National Bureau o…

$1 Now ₦788, We Are Not Aware Of Naira Redesigning - Finance Says

Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, Zainab Ahmad, has disassociated her ministry from the planned move by the Central Bank of Nigeria…

Nigeria’s Inflation Rate Hits A New 17-year High Of 20.77% In September 2022

Nigerians' President- Major General Mohammadu Buhari (Retd) Nigeria’s inflation rate surged to 20.77% in September 2022, up from 20.52% recorded …
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