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Everything you need to Know about the Old Bagauda Hotel

The Bagauda Lake Hotel is the first resort and hotel complex designed and constructed by the Kano State back in 1979 for 3.5 Million Naira.   It is a…

A Brief History of the Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko (AAUA)

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, which is popularly known as AAUA is a state owned university.    Here is the quick and complete history  o…

Ogun Festival; Explore The Fun And Scary Epic Culture

This is a complete article on Ogun Festival, it gives an in-depth analysis to the origin of Ogun, with a view to exploring the fun and scary Epic Cul…

History Of Ondo-Ekimogun and Her Cultural Heritage

Ariel View Ondo City | Image Credit: Getty images This is the complete history of Ondo Kingdom and their rich cultural heritage. This article traces …

The Unique History of Lesotho

This article is a complete insight to Lesotho Country; background, origin, historical and Political configuration with cultural histories. Lesotho is…

The Beauty of Kaduna's 106 Year Old Lugard Hall

Built in the shape of a star, the popular Lugard Hall has a central pavilion with a domed roof. It served as the legislative House of the defunct Nor…
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