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Health Benefits of Fruits

Fruit is defined as the edible part of a plant that consist of the seeds and surrounding tissues. They are important source of micronutrients and are…

5 Recommended Foods that Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

It is said that what we consume has a very great  impact on our health. Most people consume whatever they see, not even considering the nutritional …

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Skin Care Products

As the name suggests, Skin care simply means the care of the skin. You can simply take care of your skin with any kind of skin products that comes …

Biography of Muhammad Ali Pate

Meet Muhammad Ali Pate, he is the current Minister of Health in Nigeria. Ali Pate took over from former health Minister -  Dr. Osagie Ehanire . Many …

5 Facts You Need to know about Body Physiotheraphy in Nigeria

Physical Therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is a field in the medical profession which involves the maintenance and restoration of health thr…

HealthWise: How Can Africa Completely Win the War Against Malaria?

Maleria is an illness that is caused by  plasmodium parasites. People get affected with maleria if they have been  bitten by an infected female anoph…

How Exercising Can Lengthen Your Lifespan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas bibendum nibh arcu, vitae tincidunt odio egestas ac. Quisque eget tincidunt neque. …

5 Ways to Actively Include Men in Family Planning Discussions

Family planning refers to use of modern contraceptives or natural techniques to limit or space pregnancies. Modern methods of contraception include t…

5 Ways to Prevent Blood Clot Disorder

Blood Clot Formation occurs when you cut or injure yourself; your body stops the bleeding by forming a blood clot. Biologically it is said that the p…

HealthWise: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vaccines

Vaccines are substances,when injected into the body, help fight the body against diseases and infections.  There are different vaccines for differe…

5 Facts You Need to know about Body Physiotheraphy in Nigeria

Body physiotherapy, which is also known as physical therapy is a physical treatment that improves the mobility and function of the affected area in t…

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Nigerian Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the food you eat helps your body to provide nutrients so that your baby can grow and develop normally. But recent discoveries are s…

High blood pressure: Facts You need to know

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevate…

5 Sleep Hacks to Help You Get Over Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is caused by stress, depression, mental health issues  and other factors that disenabled one from having a qual…

Coronavirus and the Politics of Life

Since the Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world like a raging storm with over five million confirmed cases worldwide. The disease which star…

Dyslexia: One Disorder I DON’T MIND

I know the title of this article is quite strange. Do I really want to have a  disorder? Probably not! Still, there is something that really intrigue…

The Harmful Effects of Shisha - Plague or Pleasure?

Hookah, Narghile, Waterpipe, or Hubble Bubble smoking, popular as Shisha in this part of the world is a way of smoking tobacco, sometimes mixed wit…

Top 5 Nigerian Myths about Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer, known as ogbe inu in Yoruba, onya in igbo, and miki in hausa, can be simply defined as sore of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or dige…
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