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Prospa Helps Nigerian Brands to Own Corporate Bank Accounts

Prospa is a Fintech app that makes it easy for businesses (both small and big) to create bank accounts from home for free. It is a current account fo…

How Piggyvest Is Helping Nigerians Grow Financially

No matter the amount you earn from your job, businesses, investments or anything else you do, saving could come easy or hard for you, especially beca…

How to Engage Risk Management and Scale Business Growth

This Post COVID-19 season has brought with it,  really difficult growth businesses all over the world. While some are out of goods, some have not bee…

How Ajo Money is Digitizing Thrifts and Local Saving Communities

AjoMoney is building an operating system that will make it possible for people to do rotating savings and credit seamlessly: "AjoMoney, a financ…

The Law of Value - For or Against The Naira?

When you meet some handicapped begging, you would be quick to contain the realities of his physical state and give him whatever your good mind can. …

What You Should Know About Black Friday

Black Friday is a famous sales weekend that evolved from the Thanksgiving day just after summer. Usually, a significant number of individuals get to …

Naira Crisis: Queues Gradually Disappear As Bank ATMs Dispense Cash

Long queues at commercial banks in Lagos have suddenly disappeared following the injection of more banknotes by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) int…

Breaking: N200, N500 and N1000 Naira Notes Remain Legal Tender Till December 31, 2023 - CBN

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) says the old N200, N500 and N1000 notes remain legal tender until December 31, 2023. Isa Abdulmumin, the CBN spokes…

How Inexperienced Tech Personnel In Banks Scuttle Cashless Banking - Leadership Newspaper

The cashless banking initiative of the Central Bank of Nigeria ( CBN ) is being hindered as the Nigerian banks continue to experience technology skil…

Buhari Asks Nigerians To Give Him 7 Days To Resolve Naira Notes Scarcity

President Muhammadu Buhari has asked Nigerians to give him seven days to resolve the crisis caused by the scarcity of new naira notes. The president …

Finance Minister Recommends More Taxes To Reduce Nigeria’s Debt Burden

Finance Minister- Mrs Zainab Ahmed Amind the hardship in the Country, the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Mrs Zainab Ahmed has ins…

Economy Doing Well Under Buhari than Previous Governments - Finance Minister

The Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Mrs. Zainab Ahmed, said yesterday that the nation’s economy was doing well under President Muh…

KoloNigeria launches disruptive Financial Service

KoloNigeria, a financial management company that operates a reformed thrift system is set to disrupt the social media space with the in…
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