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The History of Bower’s Tower, Ibadan

ÌBÀDÀN LO MÒ, OÓ MO LÁYÍPO Bower's Tower is located in one of the oldest areas of Ibadan, Oyo State. It was unveiled on December 15, 1936, design…

Deafness is not by choice or will

By Taofeekat Adigun International Day of Sign Languages is celebrated annually across the world on 23rd September every year along with International…

HealthWise: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vaccines

Vaccines are substances,when injected into the body, help fight the body against diseases and infections.  There are different vaccines for differe…

How Opay’s Play4aChild CSR Initiative is Building a good cause

In a press release to the general public, popular Fintech company, OPay had revealed its recently launched CSR Initiative  The Corporate Social Resp…

Oyubu: The Journey from Mosogar to The World (Mandela Washington Fellowship Experience)

Godspower Evuarherhe Oyubu, a young Lecturer in the Department of Integrated Science at the prestigious Delta State College of Education Mosogar, Nig…

Suicide: The Dissolution but not the Solution by Damilola Akinlolu

Suicidal thoughts have become a norm in our society, as many see it as the lasting solution to a temporary problem. Putting an end to one's life …

Opinion: You and Your Self Worth

“My mates are already in their final year in most schools, see what UI has done to me now, then you wonder why Chris and I barely talk again. Tola ju…
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