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Opinion: The Child Who Did Not Cry

It was the day of my birth. I watched them silently as they hit me with great force. They slapped me on my chin, back and buttocks one after the …

Crime Meets Criminality: Human Nature or Inhumanity?

Be a good human being, a warm hearted, affectionate person. That is my  fundamental belief- DALAI LAMA Sometimes, I think that humans, are birthed wi…

The Law of Value - For or Against The Naira?

When you meet some handicapped begging, you would be quick to contain the realities of his physical state and give him whatever your good mind can. …

Opinion: Nigeria- A Fulfilment of What?

If you are scared of the truth, turning back at this point may be the best thing to do. In reality, the truth is a bastard while the Lie has a fathe…

My Eye - Witness Daylight Burial of Criminal Justice by Daniel O. Adedigba

Today, I saw a new twist to the Administration of Criminal Justice. I was on the queue at a Gtbank ATM just in front of a maj…

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and the Post COVID-19 Era

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are becoming increasingly sophisticated and they are set to play a significant part of our future workplace…

Nigeria- We Can Make It Happen

Far from a trial to rub our wounds, Nigeria will pick up soon as indicators show. The best way to support these indicators is to become motivation …

Football Is Politics: An Allegory - The Players and The Fans

I'm not a fan of football, but I think I do know a few things about it. I'm just one of those rare guys who do not like football. F…

The Essence of Pidgin English: A Review of the Gbedu Magazine

With over one hundred and five kinds of languages in Nigeria, we can't possibly know everything even if we try hard to. It is definitely not …

Mr Speaker Speaks; Mr President Presides.

By Omole Isaac Adeonipekun I have examined with keen attention the "wahala" between the Speaker of OAU Students' union and the P…
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