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How to Engage Risk Management and Scale Business Growth

This Post COVID-19 season has brought with it,  really difficult growth businesses all over the world. While some are out of goods, some have not bee…

3 Reasons Why Customer feedback Is Necessary for Your Business

Customer feedback guides and informs your decision making and influences your product roadmap. It’s also essential for measuring customer satisf…

Prospa Helps Nigerian Brands to Own Corporate Bank Accounts

Prospa is a Fintech app that makes it easy for businesses (both small and big) to create bank accounts from home for free. It is a current account fo…

Everyone Must Leverage Digital Marketing to Increase Value - Mary Fadare

NELOC News: Can we meet you? Guest: I am Mary Fadare, a designer, business strategist and digital expert. I am the founder and lead of Mo'…

Should You Use Your name as a Business Name?

As a Debut article in this Column, I will be sharing five reasons why you should use your name to represent your business and five others why you s…

Bill Gates was Insane to Sacrifice Schooling for his Dreams - Kingsley Ndimele

NNI: Can you tell us about you? Guest : Kingsley Ndimele is a young Nigerian. I hail from Abia State, though born and bred in the ancient city…

I believe So much in Referrals for any Business - Apelegan Tolani

In our interview with Omotolani, she shares with us her entrepreneurship story, the positives and negatives. Let's walk the talk with her. NNI: …

Tony Elumelu Foundation Opens Applications for the 2024 TEF Entrepreneurship Programme

The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) —  an African private-sector-led philanthropy dedicated to empowering African entrepreneurs has opene…

Why Your Business Needs an Independent PR Agency

By recent trends, businesses have launched a hunt, looking at ways to reduce their expenditure by proper planning and budgeting. Many companies…

Looking for Quick Money is Counterproductive to Entrepreneurship - Olatunde Victor

In this Interview with NELOC News, Mr Olatunde Victor, CMO, Extramile Africa shares his story of entrepreneurship and his experience on the journey t…
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