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BbTitans 2023

Twala Khosi wins first-ever Big Brother Titans, takes home $100,000 cash prize | BbTitans winner

After 76 days, the first season of the Big Brother Titans reality show has come to an end and a South Africa’s Journalist - Khosi Twala has emerged t…

Meet Khosi, Winner of Big Brother Titans [BbTitans] Show 2023 edition

The South African Housemates, Khosi has emerged Ultimate winner of Big Brother Titans reality TV show. She came first to defeat her Nigerian close ri…

Five Reasons why you must watch the BBTitans finale | Big Brother Titans Finale

Here is why you should to be glued to your screens tonight for the Big Brother Titans finale show. Today, we find out who becomes the winner of the f…

Bbtitans Finale: Meet the Winner to clinch $100,000 grand prize

Finally, the Big Brother Titans is coming to an end today, after 76 days in the house fully monitored 24 hours daily with HD Close Circuit Television…
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