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Everything you need to Know about the Old Bagauda Hotel

The Bagauda Lake Hotel is the first resort and hotel complex designed and constructed by the Kano State back in 1979 for 3.5 Million Naira.   It is a…

How to do NYSC Monthly Clearance with PPA Clearance in 2025

Monthly clearance is very important for serving corps members as it is a prerequisite to getting your monthly allowance from the Federal Government o…

Ondo State - The Nigerian Journey

Whenever Ondo state is mentioned, many people think of mud houses, naked little children who roam the streets, native men and women with cutlasses …

List of Institutions Whose Admission List is Out For 2025/2026

This is to inform all students seeking admission into tertiary institutions that most of the Schools have all begin their admission process. The admi…

Everything You Need to Know About NYSC Redeployment and PPA Reposting

After a successful twenty one days camp training experience Relocation and PPA to help and guide you. Let's start from PPA. You are likely to be …

NYSC: What You Need to Know about NYSC in 2025

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a program set up by the government to involve graduates in nation-building and the development of the co…

How to Locate NYSC Orientation Camps in Any Nigerian State

Here is 1. Abia On your way to Umuahia, come down at Bus stop gate in Umuahia, take a cab going to Ohafia via Igbere. Tell the driver you are going t…

History: List of Ondo City Kings who were Dethroned

10. Osemawe of Ondo - Oba Adekolurejo Jimosun II (Otutubiosun) The Oba whose reign was from 1918 to 1925 was removed and banished to lle-Ife in 1925…

The Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria

Persons with Disability have the same rights as other people to take their proper place in society. They should be able to live freely and as indepe…

Career Tip: How A Good CV Will Land You a Good Job

A curriculum vitae is a staff document that includes the profile, educational program and activities of the person who is after school. In our part o…
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