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Adekunle Ajasin University

AAUA Decides: I Intend To Serve AAUA Students In The Best Way Possible - AAUASU Presidential Aspirant, Wolimike

AAUASU Presidential Aspirant - Comr. Micheal Dotun (Wolimike) Unionism is pictured as one of the best Platforms to groom future Political Leaders; es…

AAUA admitted Students; Documents you need to bring to School for signing; what you need to know about AAUA

While you are waiting for resumption, here are the documents you are to bring to school for signing of Bio-data Congratulations on your admission int…

I'm Coming With A Redefined Form Of Information- Tee West; AAUASU Aspirant For Public Relation Officer

Information has been regarded as the life Wire of every Organization and Association. Without information, nothing can be achieved. Hence, such perso…
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