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Biography of Motunrayo Oyedele (Motun Global)

Full Biography of Motunrayo Oyedele (Motun Global) - NELOC Media News
Born on February 17th, 1997, Motunrayo Oyedele is the Founder of Eduminds Africa, a Nonprofit organisation that is focused on (focus). Popularly known as MOTUN global, she is also the current, Special Adviser on Photography to the Ondo State Governor, His Excellency, Lucky Aiyedatiwa.

Full Biography of Motunrayo Oyedele (Motun Global) - NELOC Media News

Growing up, Motunrayo. She thereafter proceeded to the Federal University, Oye Elkiti where she bagged her BSc in Demography and Social Statistics. Furthering her education, she currently holds a Masters of Public Health in Medical Demography, a degree she bagged in 2023 from the University of Ibadan.

Motunrayo Oyedele (The Motun Global) is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X

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