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Annie’s Chatroom to Host Sierra Leone Women Summit

Annie’s Chatroom to Host Sierra Leone Women Summit - NELOC Media News
Annie’s Chatroom to Host Sierra Leone Women Summit - NELOC Media News

Annie's Chatroom, a social initiative led by Annie is set to host the 2025 edition of the Sierra Leone Women Summit

The event which is scheduled for April, 2025 is targeted at women and other individuals who are passionate about driving true change in the Sierra Leon Women Ecosystem. 
According to Annie, Founder of Annies's Chatroom, the Sierra Leone Women Summit is a gathering that seeks to bring women together from all sectors of the society and provide a platform for open discussions where we can collectively address the challenges women face and explore potential solutions. 
While speaking to the NELOC Media News Correspondent, Annie emphasised the fact that the Summit is open to everyone whether you are a trader, hairdresser, homemaker, parliamentarian engineer, student, banker, civil servant, medical professional, legal practitioner, farmer, seamstress or any other professional. Whosoever you are or may be, your voice is essential.

Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this transformative movement. Join us and contribute to shaping a better future for women in Sierra Leone. Every woman’s voice must be heard.

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