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National Youth Service Corps





As the NYSC 2023 Batch 🅰️ Stream 2 mobilization and registration is fast approaching, Admin is going to enlighten PCMs on all they need to know about the NYSC graduation list and the NYSC senate list including the difference between these two (2) NYSC lists. 

Also in the post I will be throwing more light on the JAMB matriculation list and its relationship with the NYSC Senate & graduation list. The post will be based on some of the major questions asked by PCMs as regards to these important NYSC lists. 


The NYSC Senate list is a register which has the complete names of candidates eligible for the NYSC programme. Its a record which contains names of students who are already fully mobilized by the National Youth Service Corps to undergo the mandatory one-year service in Nigeria. 


First and foremost every recognized educational institution (Universities, Polytechnics, e.t.c) will have to compile the names of their eligible candidates/students they believe is suitable to go for service. The names compiled are those who have done all the necessary clearance from the school and successfully graduated. 

These names would be first pasted on any of the school's notice board to enable students correct any mistake in their details (a process known as internal mobilization). All necessary corrections are to be done within days or weeks before the school finally decides to send the compiled student names and details to NYSC headquarters in Abuja for uploading. NYSC as a body would in turn verify all names and data of students sent to them to know if each candidate is suitable for service before finally uploading the institution names and data to the NYSC portal. 

These details uploaded to the NYSC portal is known as the NYSC Senate list and it contains major details of a PCM. Be aware that any correction that is not done before a candidate's name is uploaded online will only be done after registration or in camp depending on which error to be corrected.

However, Once uploading of names into the NYSC senate list commences, prospective corp members are usually informed to know when to start checking their names.


First of all one has to be sure that NYSC has started to upload its senate list before panicking when this type of notification is seen. The issue of NO RECORD FOUND is as a result of your school not submitting the hardcopy senate list to NYSC, once such is done the notification of the NO RECORD will disappear. In other words to stop seeing such, one's institution must ensure that they submit the hardcopy of their senate list to NYSC Headquarters in Abuja. Be aware that NYSC has not started uploading names for 2023 Batch 🅰️ Stream 2 PCMs so if you check at the moment you are likely to see nothing. A date will be conveyed to all 2023 Batch 🅰️ Stream 2 Prospective Corp Members on when to start checking their names on the senate list. so make sure you're connected on whatsapp group to get updated..


This is not difficult at all. To check your name on the NYSC Senste list, simply visit



and fill in the required parameters which include;

- Selection of your institution. 

- your matriculation number. 

- fill in your surname. 

- your date of birth. 

- & Finally, click search. 


This is almost like the senate list but in this case it contains the names of all students that graduated from various universities in Nigeria, that is to say students that have succesfully cleared from their respective schools and are ready for the NYSC programme. 

Note that the names of candidates found in the NYSC graduation list are not necessarily those who will go for service, in other words a PCM can find his/her name in the NYSC graduation list but still not find their name in the NYSC senate list so as discussed before, the senate list is the final hurdle that determines if a PCM is cleared to register online or not for NYSC and further go for service. 


To check and verify your name on the National Youth Service Corp graduation list simply visit


What is the JAMB Matriculation List?

The JAMB matriculation list is a record which contains major details of all students who have successfully fulfilled all requirements from JAMB i.e, they have been cleared by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. Remember that NYSC obtain some details of PCMs from JAMB and WAEC so the matriculation list assists in this. If the details found by a PCM in the matriculation list is not correct, they are required to correct it before the Senate list is uploaded. 

Most of the corrections done on the JAMB matriculation list is processed by means of JAMB regularization.

If a PCM discovers that his/her name is not on the JAMB matriculation list, all they have to do is visit the JAMB portal, login, then print out their JAMB Admission Letter and Result Slip. After printing, they have to verify both documents with the admission officer in their institution after which their name will automatically be found on the JAMB matric list. 

To check if your name is on the matric list simply visit: https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility/checkmatriculationlist

*Now i believe you should know all about the NYSC Senate, Graduation and Matriculation list.

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5 Reasons Why you might miss 2023 NYSC Batch Posting This is an important notification for prospective Corp members (PCMs) as to the possible reasons might make you to miss the next NYSC Batch 🅰️* 1. Your Institution This is not even a thing to bargain with because it's as important as it sounds. There is no way you can go for service if your institution fail to clear you. You have to make sure you don't have any carry-overs or other issues with your institution. Also, make sure you fill the NYSC mobilization form. Some higher institutions require graduates of their school to fill the form at the Department of Students' Affairs. Not all schools do this, but you should just confirm to be on a safe side. 2. JAMB Regularization It's now JAMB Late Application but was formerly referred to as *Regularization*. This provides an opportunity for candidates that are in any institution but with no JAMB Registration Number to regulate between Jamb and your institution. Therefore, if you do not have JAMB Registration Number or if your Admission is not directly from JAMB, your name will not be on the NYSC mobilization list. 3. *You Are 30 Years Old* I am sure you already know that once you are 30 of age before graduating from your institution, you cannot go for NYSC service. Your exemption letter which is a letter that will tell you that the NYSC has given you a permission to move on will be on your dashboard. If you are already 30 before you graduate from your institution, you won't be spending the next 12 months in a strange land. You can go ahead and apply for a job or start your business or do anything you want with your exemption letter. 4. *Statement of Result* If you are already a graduate of any institution and you don't have your certificate or statement of result at hand, you will not be able to go for NYSC service. The statement of your Result is very important in NYSC and if you don't have it, you will not be allowed to stay in the NYSC orientation camp. 5. *Your Village People:* If you don't have any issue with all we highlighted above, you will definitely go for service unless if your village people are following you around.
HOW TO CHECK YOUR NAME ON JAMB MATRICULATION LIST* 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://efacility.jamb.gov.ng/CheckMatriculationList *HOW TO CHECK YOUR NAME ON NYSC GRADUATION LIST* 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc1/CheckInstitutionCoursesPCMs.aspx *HOW TO CHECK YOUR NAME ON NYSC SENATE LIST PORTAL ONLINE* 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc1/VerifySenateLists.aspx


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