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Biography of Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi Ogunlade

His Royal Majesty, Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi Ogunlade, Deji of Akure who ascended the Royal throne in July, 2015

9 years on the throne, 

Your Majesty's dedication, wisdom, and visionary leadership have transformed Akure Kingdom, ushering in an era of unprecedented growth, development, and peace. Your unwavering commitment to the betterment of your people has been inspiring, and your achievements are a testament to your tireless efforts. Under your reign, Akure has witnessed significant advancements in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic development. Your Majesty's foresight and wisdom have created a conducive environment for businesses to thrive, and your support for education and youth empowerment has been remarkable. Your leadership has also promoted cultural heritage and traditional values, preserving the rich history and customs of Akure Kingdom for future generations. Your Majesty's doors have always been open to your subjects, listening to their concerns and addressing their needs with compassion and understanding. As you celebrate this milestone,

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