Upon his return from the prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship Program for Young African Leaders, Godspower Oyubu hosted an International Leadership Seminar for young adults in Nigeria. This Leadership Seminar featured three (3) key note speakers; Reed (Harvard), Olivia and Ketty (Kansas State University), all in U.S.A. The Theme for the Leadership Seminar was: Building The Nigeria We Want Through Transformational Leadership.
Reed spoke on: Your Role in Community and Nation Building. This session inspired many young adults to see themselves as key players in building the communities of their dream.
During his speech at the Seminar, Godspower encouraged every young adult present to take practical steps based on what they are learning at the Leadership Seminar and create positive changes in their world and respective communities. He made references to his meeting with the King of Mosogar Kingdom, College Provost and Principal Officers as well as his virtual meeting with the Commissioner for Higher Education in Delta State emphasizing his willingness to collaborate with the above mentioned personalities and other networks outside Nigeria in strengthening the educational system in Mosogar community and within Delta State. Godspower also made reference to his Ignite Talk Speech at Kansas State University's Staley School of Leadership Studies and encouraged every attendee at the Seminar to download or watch on YouTube. Here is the link to the Ignite Talk: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kiqulb5HJOU&feature=shared
1. Operation Get Back to School: This is targeted at providing funding for University Entrance Examinations (JAMB) for at least 100 teenagers from humble background. KAI looks forward to partnering with individuals, businesses and NGOs in achieving this goal.
2. Free Computer Training for at least 500 teenagers/youths in Mosogar Kingdom! KAI is also opened for partnership.
"Together, we can collaborate and strengthen the educational system in Nigeria. Remember, Nelson Mandela once said: Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" - Godspower Oyubu