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How to do NYSC Monthly Clearance with PPA Clearance in 2025

How to do NYSC Monthly Clearance with PPA Clearance in 2023
Monthly clearance is very important for serving corps members as it is a prerequisite to getting your monthly allowance from the Federal Government of Nigeria.

 _NOTE: To all relocated Cm, and yet to have ppa or been under LgI, you have nothing to do with monthly clearance until you have ppa or been posted to under particular LgI._ 

The clearance is done at the local government Secretariat where the local inspector (LI) has an office. The purpose of the monthly clearance is to mark a register you are still serving and have not ascounded.

The clearance is fix for 10 days. It begins from the first day of the month until the 10th day of that month. Excluding weekends and public holidays, the schedule will be uploaded on your dashboard.

 There may be disruption of clearance schedule when LI go to NYSC orientation camp programme for new batch. 

If you cleared for a month and find out that your status is showing as "absent", it is advised to see your Local Government Inspector (LGI) as soon as possible.

 *Clerance Requirements

For the monthly 
Be on your kits 6/7 or 7/7
Clerance slip with dully signed from your ppa..

Visit your LGi office for monthly CLERANCE..

Some Local government inspector used to scheduled different days for batches... Get connected with your mates

 *How to Check NYSC LGA Monthly Clearance*
 *Status online* 

Go to the NYSC portal at portal.nysc.org.ng

Login to your dashboard using your password and e-mail

Click on "LGA Clearance".

It would show you the list of months you take part in NYSC monthly clearance and your status, which can either be 'Present' or 'Absent'.

Also, your LGA monthly clearance status should reflect on your dashboard as soon as you have done your NYSC biometric clearance. Although, it depend on the network in the area.


How To Do NYSC Monthly Clearance With PPA Clearance.

The clearance is fix for 10 days. It begins from the first day of the month until the 10th day of that month. Excluding weekends and public holidays, the schedule will be uploaded on your dashboard.

 There may be disruption of clearance schedule when LI go to NYSC orientation camp programme for new batch. 

If you cleared for a month and find out that your status is showing as “absent”, it is advised to see your Local Government Inspector (LGI) as soon as possible.

 Clerance Requirements 

Be on your kits 6/7 or 7/7

Clerance slip with dully signed from your ppa..

Visit your LGi office for monthly CLERANCE..

Some Local government inspector used to scheduled different days for batches... Get connected with your mates

 How to Check NYSC LGA Monthly Clearance
 Status online

Go to the NYSC portal at

Login to your dashboard using your password and e-mail

Click on “​LGA Clearance​”.

It would show you the list of months you take part in NYSC monthly clearance and your status, which can either be ‘Present’ or ‘Absent’.

Also, your LGA monthly clearance status should reflect on your dashboard as soon as you have done your NYSC biometric clearance. Although, it depend on the network in the area.

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